What is a South Park Conservative?

Some Freedom-Loving Tunes
Chill out and listen to some songs with a freedom-loving conservative message.

Democrats Stole the Election!
With sources like these, liberals can't possibly deny the truth.
Liberals on Karl Rove
"Rove's a Nazi.", "One word: DIEBOLD", "Rove is a con artist"

Don't Hire an Alcoholic
... to replace a social drinker and don't elect liberals to spite Republicans.
Taxes and Terror
Republicans Need to Talk about Democrat’s Policies to Win.

News Alert
Harry Reid Hides Real Estate Deal, Hangs Up on AP.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm a Government and Politics major at the University of Maryland. While I'm not writing papers on how right-wing Fox News is to placate my liberal professors (true story, it did a lot better than my paper on how Clinton didn't do enough to combat terrorism) I enjoy sports, video games, politics, and of course watching South Park. I'd like to give a 'shout out' to my beautiful girlfriend Heather, who I now have not forgotten to include in my first blog entry.

I'd describe myself as a conservative libertarian, or neolibertarian if you will. Look it up on wikipedia. I'm for a small government, a strong military, and I'm socially moderate.

Now that I've got that out of the way I'd just like to say one thing. If you like politics and humor, then hopefully you'll like the South Park Conservative blog. Put it on your favorites or you'll forget it, dumbass. Did I mention I used to like That 70s Show until they tried to make Fez the main character? If you don't like humor, then what the fuck? Lighten up!