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Some Freedom-Loving Tunes
Chill out and listen to some songs with a freedom-loving conservative message.

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Liberals on Karl Rove
"Rove's a Nazi.", "One word: DIEBOLD", "Rove is a con artist"

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... to replace a social drinker and don't elect liberals to spite Republicans.
Taxes and Terror
Republicans Need to Talk about Democrat’s Policies to Win.

News Alert
Harry Reid Hides Real Estate Deal, Hangs Up on AP.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Don't Hire an Alcoholic to Replace a Social Drinker

And Don't Elect Liberals to Spite Republicans

I know the Republicans have spent far too much money the past 6 years, especially during Bush's 1st term, but I'm getting really tired of this idea that they are identical when there are such massive differences. Just because neither party mimmicks your ideas does not make them identical.

Republicans passed big tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. Democrats would probably have passed one tax cut half the size of the 2001 tax cut, if that (after all Clinton promised tax cuts and then raised taxes). Most Republicans tried to start privatizing Social Security, a hugely important issue that Democrats will never be as libertarian on.

Republicans are in favor of health savings or universal savings accounts, which are far more libertarian than the Democrat's universal national healthcare plans. Republicans did pass a huge Perscription Drug Benefit, but it was half the size of the one Democrats favored.

Republicans passed a border security only bill that the Democrats never would have passed. Republicans passed bills allowing somewhat tough interrogations of Al Qaeda terrorists, the NSA warrantless wiretapping of terrorists, and a tweaked but still largely in tact Patriot Act. The Democrats would have shredded all 3 security measures, which have been very effective thus far. Democratic positions on counterterrorism measures read like a bill of rights for terrorists.

So while you can be dissapointed at Republicans not being conservative "enough", handing the government to a party that is LESS conservative and in favor of more spending in all aspects is nonsensical.