In Their Own Words: Liberals on Karl Rove
I read a National Journal election article on why Rove might be so optimistic. I thought it would be interesting to share every liberal comment below the article. It leaves one wondering: what the hell has happened to liberalism in America?
You overlooked the most important reason: He's delusional.
Billy | 10.26.06 05:22 PM
Rove is famous for playing mind games dating back to his high school debating days. He lugged huge bags supposedly stuffed with "back-up" arguments etc. which actually had blank paper. Rove is a con artist. Democrats would do well to be chirpy and optimistic and watch the voting machines - all of them.
M. Stratas | 10.26.06 05:30 PM
Rove and crew will probably come up with another phoney terrorist alert like they did after John Kerry's acceptance speach to scare the silly american sheep.
lloyd xkey | 10.26.06 05:44 PM
One word: DIEBOLD
jane | 10.26.06 05:46 PM
Mr. Rove is concerned only of keeping "W"'s party in office. Rove is the one of the most evil people in this country. Right along with the others of the "axis of evil", they being Mr. Evil himself, Dick Cheney, and our old buddy Rummy. What a disgusting bunch of worthless frauds. Rove is very much like his grandfather who was a war criminal of the Nazi era.
disgruntled | 10.26.06 05:48 PM
Rove's a Nazi. He spin-doctors and manipulates until much of the American public is confused beyond all reason.
Rovie's pushing a deadly game. 3,000 American soldiers killed and Rovie comfortably tucks himself in at night. 600,000 Iraqis killed and Rovie and the gang keep manipulating. The beat goes on...
Dan | 10.26.06 05:55 PM
How about the fact that Mr. Rove and his pals at Diebold have confident that the election will go there way.
-Matt | 10.26.06 05:58 PM
the first thing rove must do is to take gannons c*** from his mouth
BillyC | 10.26.06 06:00 PM
And then there's Diebold. They can always just steal the election again.
Paul | 10.26.06 06:01 PM
rove should stop drinking the kool-aid. Republican's are going to lose the house.
noway | 10.26.06 06:11 PM
Tha last comment was the only reasonable one! Conspiracies and nazi name-calling are usually signs of a party that is not serious or competitive. Yet most of the base of a formerly great American politcal party has become obsessed with them.